setParameter feature of the IValidate::AddService method for activating/defining special features

Over time the lab tariff have been changed in the normal way regarding TP and names changes. However, it was changed in a more principal way as well by defining the chapter 4 services. These services have different rules depending which role/place is active.

Due to the constant nature of the labValidator's interfaces some of the changes and features could not be reflected in the interface. To have a mechanism to import special data and parameters into the labValidator outside the normal interface methods the concept of a pseudo service was invented. Such a pseudo service is inputted as a normal service but transports special information. The pseudo service consists of a tariff type, a date and a pseudo code.

A pseudo code always consists of the line:

where the whole pseudo code line is case and whitespace insensitive, and the cmd and value data transports the individual information. A certain pseudo code is active until the next call of the IValidate::Initialize method and is then reset to the default value.

The following pseudo codes are defined for the labValidator:

  • setParameter(providerType=value), with value = { praxis | hospital | pharmacist | lab }, and praxis as default.
    This command set the rule focus for chapter 4 services to either one of the defined types. Please note that the same effect is defined by using the appropriate role/place parameters using the SetRoleType and SetPlaceType properties.
  • setParameter(expandChapter4Services=value), with value = { on | off }, and off as default.
    This command activates/deactivates the automatic service expansion of chapter 4 services (4707.00 ff.) on the basis of given provider type.
  • setParameter(AutomaticCodeTransformation=value), with value = { on | off }, and on as default.
    This command activates/deactivates the automatic transformation of old services of tariff 316 to the corresponding new services of tariff 317, if the service date is higher that 30.6.2009. It is a best effort feature that transforms the service code if possible.