How to best make...

The following list describes the easiest way to generate e.g. a copy or storno request given that the initial nursing care request was successfully produced and the none-encrypted XML infoset of type careCreditRequest_450 was archived on a local disk

copy of a nursing care credit request
This can be accomplished by calling the following 4 methods:
  1. ICareCreditRequestManager::LoadXML using careCreditXML as input file
  2. ICareCreditResult::GetRequest to retrieve the parameters
  3. ICareCreditRequest::SetRequest with eIsCopy=enYes
  4. ICareCreditRequestManager::GetXML
storno of nursing care credit request
This can be accomplished by calling the following 4 methods:
  1. ICareCreditRequestManager::LoadXML using careCreditgXML as input file
  2. ICareCreditResult::GetRequest to retrieve the parameters
  3. ICareCreditRequest::SetRequest with eIsStorno=enYes
  4. ICareCreditRequestManager::GetXML