API browser of hospitalMCDRequest440 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IHospitalMCDRequestManager interface V4.40/15 Mar 2013 
The IHospitalMCDRequestManager interface provides methods to generate a Minimal Clinical Dataset (MCD) that basically defines the required input to a DRG grouper.

The MCD is printed or a XML infoset is produced which can be electronically transported to the recipient. In the latter case the MCD optionally can be signed and/or encrypted .

Due to the processing attributes "storno" and "copy" a previously generated MCD can be canceled or a copy can be produced (cf. Notes about processing attributes).

To ease the migration from and to the lower V430 version native support has been built into the module that basically allows to natively load as well as to produce XML infosets of the lower V430 version.

/images/arrow_right.png Methods 8 methods
GetAbortInfo Get the abort information string with the error coded in the module language
GetLogSettings Get the log settings for the module.
GetXML The GetXML method generates the XML infoset based on the data of the IGeneralInvoiceRequest interface and the XML generation attributes, validates the XML against the XSD schema, and stores the XML content as UTF8 file in the internal working directory
LoadXML Loads a previously generated XML infoset of type hospitalMCDRequest_440.xsd or hospitalMCDRequest_430.xsd back into memory for further processing via the returned interface handles
Print The Print method validates the given MCD data and prints a MCD of type hospitalMCDRequest_440.xsd on the local printer
PrintAdjust Shows the print object adjustment dialog that allows to move print objects of a .vps report generator file.
PrintSetup Shows the printer setup dialog that allows to define printer settings connected with a .vps report generator file.
SetLogSettings Set the log settings for the module
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 6 properties
[get] HospitalMCDRequest The property GetHospitalMCDRequest supplies a pointer to the IHospitalMCDRequest interface
[get/put] ModuleLanguage Get/Set the language for the module i.e
[get] ModuleVersion Gets the version of the HospitalMCDRequestManager module.
[get] ModuleVersionText Get the textual version of the HospitalMCDRequestManager module.
[get/put] Modus Get the operation modus
[get/put] PrintCopies Get/Set the number of copies to print.