API browser of hospitalMCDRequest452 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IHospitalMCDRequestManager::LoadXML method space
Loads a previously generated XML infoset back into memory for further processing via the returned interface handles. The HospitalMCDRequest452 COM module understands and processes the hospitalMCDRequest_452 XSD standard as well as its predecessors, namely hospitalMCDRequest_451 and hospitalMCDRequest_450.

To analyze and retrieve the loaded data use the returned instance of the IHospitalMCDRequest interface and/or preview/print the data.

Furthermore, this method serves as dashboard e.g. to produce a "storno" or "copy" XML infoset.

  • Load the initial XML infoset with LoadXML
  • set the appropriate storno and/or copy values with the IHospitalMCDRequest::SetRequest method
  • produce the XML infoset again with the GetXML method or print the MCD with the Print method.
/images/arrow_right.png Restful webservice calling syntax
[POST] /baseURL/IHospitalMCDRequestManager/LoadXML?param
[param] pIHospitalMCDRequestManager=longValue&
<application/octet-stream> input_file_upload_stream
[JSON result data] pbstrUsedSchema:
[HTTP result status] 200 Return status 200 signals a successful method call
204 Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached
>= 400 Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do.
/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ calling syntax
[C/C++ return value] S_OK This value is returned if the function call was successful.
S_FALSE This value is returned if the end of an iteration is reached
E_name This value is returned if the function call was unsuccessful and an error exception was generated. Note that if you are using SmartPointers an exception is thrown under these conditions.
/images/arrow_right.png Calling argument description
[in] BSTR bstrInputFile The input XML infoset (full file name) that must be loaded and analyzed.
[out] BSTR *pbstrUsedSchema The full XSD name of the loaded XML file.

Since the current standard and its predecessors can natively be loaded it must either be of schema type hospitalMCDRequest_452.xsd, hospitalMCDRequest_451.xsd or hospitalMCDRequest_450.xsd. This variable is not set if the loading of an XML infoset was unsuccessful.

[out] IHospitalMCDRequest **pIHospitalMCDRequest The instance of a IHospitalMCDRequest interface allows to add further data or override data like setting the "storno" bit.
The handle is NULL if an error occurred.
[out] IHospitalMCDResult **pIHospitalMCDResult The instance of a IHospitalMCDResult interface allows to read all loaded data back.
The handle is NULL if an error occurred.
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbStatus Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE then an error occurred and GetAbortInfo should be called to retrieve the error string.