API browser of generalInvoiceRequest440 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IGeneralInvoiceRequest::AddCaseDetail method
Adds a case detail to the list of case details  -  this method is needed for stationary cases only!
Case detail records are used to supply the complete history of the case in terms of the treatment, possible relocation and re-opening of that case. Obviously, a case detail list make sense only if there is more than one entry in the list, since the used DRG service in itself defines already 1 case detail record.
Note, that the case details are optional and if used then it should be supplied in reverse chronological order.
/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ calling syntax
/images/arrow_right.png Calling argument description
[in] BSTR bstrTariffType The official tariff type as defined by Forum Datenaustausch
This should be the DRG tariff type "010".
[in] BSTR bstrCode The service code
[in] DATE dDateBegin The starting date and time of the current case detail.
Note, that this date must be equal or greater then the dDateBegin of the treatment period set in SetTreatment method.
[in] DATE dDateEnd The ending date and time of the current case detail.
Note, that this date must be less or equal the dDateEnd of the treatment period set in SetTreatment method.
[in] BSTR bstrACID The Administrative Case IDentification for the current case detail.
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbStatus Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE then an error occurred and GetAbortInfo should be called to retrieve the error string.
/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ return value
S_OK This value is returned if the function call was successful or if the return value of a boolean method signalling a true value. In this case the VARIANT_BOOL is set to VARIANT_TRUE.
S_FALSE This is the return value of a boolean method signalling a false return value. In this case the VARIANT_BOOL is set to VARIANT_FALSE.
E_name This value is returned if the function call was unsuccessful and an error exception was generated. Note that if you are using SmartPointers an exception is thrown under these conditions.