API browser of tarmedValidator100 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png ISearch::SearchCode method space
This method searches for services by code.
PATCH to request additional service block, service group affiliation and/or gender relevance information from the searching process (cf. bstrCode argument).
/images/arrow_right.png Restful webservice calling syntax
[POST] /baseURL/ISearch/SearchCode
[JSON input data] pISearch:
longValue,    //interface address
[JSON result data] pbStatus: booleanValue
[HTTP result status] 200 Return status 200 signals a successful method call
204 Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached
>= 400 Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do.
/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ calling syntax
[C/C++ return value] S_OK This value is returned if the function call was successful.
S_FALSE This value is returned if the end of an iteration is reached
E_name This value is returned if the function call was unsuccessful and an error exception was generated. Note that if you are using SmartPointers an exception is thrown under these conditions.
/images/arrow_right.png Calling argument description
[in] BSTR bstrCode Service code to search for.
PATCH: bstrCode can be appended with instructions to request additional information, namely
  • #SB to retrieve the service block numbers
  • #SG to retrieve the service group numbers
  • #SEX to retrieve the gender relevance information
After searching, the ISearch::MechanicCode() property returns a hash separated string with the mechanic code and the hash separated additional information.
E.g. when search for ISearch::SearchCode("00.0150#SB#SG#SEX",enYes) the property ISearch::MechanicCode returns the string "01#SB01#SG18#SG58#SEX0", meaning that the service 00.0150
  • has the mechanic code 01
  • is a member of the service block 01
  • belongs to the service groups 18 and 58.
  • has a gender relevance of 0
    where the possible value codes are: 0 == not relevant; 1 == male only; 2 == female only
[in] YesNoType eOnlyMainServices Flag specifying whether to search for main services only. Main services mean services which are not subsidiary to any other service, i.e. base services.
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbStatus Return status. VARIANT_TRUE means S_OK, VARIANT_FALSE means S_FALSE (e.g. in an iterator) or an error (E_name).
In the later case check for possible errors with the GetAbortInfo method.