API browser of tarmedValidator100 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png AbortValidateType enumeration type
Enumerates the defined grounds for an aborted validation attempt. space
Set of enumeration values 34 elements
enRejected: -200 The record was rejected. The service should not be added, but it is not necessary to display an error message to the user.This is the case for example if the user adds first an OP III utilization service and later an OP I utilization service. Only one OP record, namely that with the highest OP utilization service, is allowed.
enChangedCharge: -110 Validation of the record would require that an already-defined charge from a previously added record be changed.
enChangedQuantity: -100 browse functions MoveFirst and MoveNext, and discard all the records with a Quantity value of zero. Then add all the remaining records again to the AddService method.
enDatabaseNotOpen: 101 The database is not open.
enInvalidCode: 102 The code is invalid.
enServiceNotFound: 301 No service record found.
enReferenceCodeRequired: 302 Reference code is required.
enAddReferenceCode: 303 Add the specified reference code first.
enWrongReferenceCode: 304 Specified reference code is not allowed for this service.
enSideRequired: 305 Side i.e body location is required.
enWrongTreatmentType: 306 Treatment type restriction not fulfilled.
enWrongSex: 307 Gender restriction not fulfilled.
enSectionRequired: 308 Section is required.
enWrongPatientAge: 309 Patient age restriction not fulfilled.
enWrongQuantity: 310 Quantity restriction not fulfilled.
enWrongBillingMode: 311 Billing mode restriction not fulfilled.
enQLDignityRequired: 312 Qualitative dignity is required.
enRoleEmployeeOnly: 313 Wrong billing role must be: Employee (Hospital or Institute).
enRoleSelfEmployedOnly: 314 Wrong billing role must be: Self employed.
enWrongAnaesthesiaRiskClass: 315 Anaesthesia risk class restriction not fulfilled.
enPatientDataChanged: 401 Patient input is not allowed to change.
enTreatmentDataChanged: 402 Treatment input is not allowed to change.
enPhysicianDataChanged: 403 Physician input is not allowed to change.
enDuplicateService: 404 Duplicate service found.
enExclusiveDignity: 405 Same exclusive dignity is required for all services.
enCombinationRestriction: 406 Combination restriction not fulfilled
enCurrentLimitationRestriction: 407 Current service: Limitation restriction not fulfilled.
enPreviousLimitationRestriction: 408 Previous service: Limitation restriction not fulfilled.
enExclusionRestriction: 409 Exclusion restriction not fulfilled.
enSingleServiceAddition: 410 Single service addition restriction not fulfilled.
enSingleServiceFromChapter: 411 Single service from chapter restriction not fulfilled.
enInvalidServiceChain: 501 Invalid service chain.
enReductionPraxisOPNotFound: 502 Service for praxis OP reduction record not found.
enValidateFailed: 999 The validation failed - incompatible database parameters - contact the support.