API browser of generalFormRequest430 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IGeneralFormResult::GetFirstAllergy method
Retrieves the first allergy.

VARIANT_FALSE is returned if the end of the allergy list is reached.

/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ calling syntax
HRESULT GetFirstAllergy( BSTR
/images/arrow_right.png Calling argument description
[out] BSTR *pbstrStructName The PDF internal variable name/placeholder onto which the structure was mapped.
[out] AllergyType *peAllergyType The type of the allergy defined by the AllergyType enumerator
[out] BSTR *pbstrCode The code of the allergy as given in the corresponding allergy catalog.

bstrCode is empty if no coding system was used.

[out] BSTR *pbstrName Textual description of the allergy as given in the corresponding allergy catalog or a free text if no coding system was used.
[out] DATE *pdDate The date the allergy was first diagnosed
[out] SeverityLevelType *peSeverityLevel The severity level of the allergy defined by the SeverityLevel enumerator
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbStatus Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE the end of data is reached
/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ return value
S_OK This value is returned if the function call was successful or if the return value of a boolean method signalling a true value. In this case the VARIANT_BOOL is set to VARIANT_TRUE.
S_FALSE This is the return value of a boolean method signalling a false return value. In this case the VARIANT_BOOL is set to VARIANT_FALSE.
E_name This value is returned if the function call was unsuccessful and an error exception was generated. Note that if you are using SmartPointers an exception is thrown under these conditions.