API browser of statusRequest430 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IStatusRequestManager interface V4.30/26 Aug 2010 
The IStatusRequestManager interface provides methods to formulate a XML infosets of type statusRequest_430. Such an infoset allows to query the current processing status of credit, invoice, reminder, and/or MCD object references at an insurance's site.

The subchapter object reference provides an in-depth description of the concept of "object reference".

To produce such an infoset, firstly an instance of the IStatusRequest interface is retrieved by
the property GetStatusRequest.
All the object references whose status are requested are added with the IStatusRequest::AddQueryObject method.
The transport/routing information is set by the IStatusRequest::SetTransport method.

After all query objects are set, a file with a statusRequest XML infoset is generated by the GetXML method.

If an insurance decides not to support the statusRequest/statusResponse system then a StatusResponse is
returned where each given object reference has a status "unsupported". This status
code basically signals that a status system is not implemented!

All data that was set via the IStatusRequest interface can be read back with the IStatusResult interface.

/images/arrow_right.png Methods 5 methods
GetAbortInfo Get the abort information string with the error coded in the module language
GetLogSettings Get the log settings for the module.
GetXML GetXML generates the XML infoset based on the data of the IRequest interface, validates the XML against the XSD schema, and stores the XML content as UTF8 file in the internal working directory
LoadXML Loads a previously generated XML infoset of type statusRequest_430.xsd back into memory for further processing via the returned interface handles
SetLogSettings Set the log settings for the module
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 5 properties
[get/put] ModuleLanguage Get/Set the language for the module i.e
[get] ModuleVersion Gets the version of the StatusRequestManager module.
[get] ModuleVersionText Get the textual version of the StatusRequestManager module.
[get/put] Modus Get the operation modus
[get] StatusRequest The property GetStatusRequest supplies a pointer to the IRequest interface