

07.01.25generalInvoiceResponse450: with an updated RESTServer - cf. history
07.01.25generalCreditResponse450: with an updated RESTServer - cf. history
10.01.25miscValidator200: with a modified rule engine for tariff 222 - cf. history
23.01.25miscValidator200: modified tariffs 050 and 533 published - cf. history
28.01.25drugValidator: updated SL database from 1.2.25
30.01.25generalInvoiceRequest450: with enhancements for printing, among others - cf. history
24.02.25tarmedValidator: bug fix for the usage of TarMed 1.09/LI
27.02.25hospitalMCDRequest452: bug fix for the print out -cf. history
28.02.25drugValidator: updated SL database from 1.3.25