Rollout of Sumex1 modules postponed until Monday, september 2nd 2002


Monday, 12 August 2002


Dear developers

it was announced that the rollout of the final version of all SumexI+ modules in all languages take place at the end of last month. However, the translation of the tarmed tariff to Italian took quite a long time and is not yet finalised. Moreover, as there are interface changes in the MediPort transport client the deployment is postponed due to the following reasons/open issues:

  • the tarmed tariff in Italian is not yet available;
  • the MDInvoiceRequestManager internally uses the mailbox interface (MediPort transport client). We have found errors/incompatibilities in the interface and therefore the interface will be subject to change. According to Medidata a final interface version of the Mailbox will be available soon.
  • the interface of the drugValidator will change as we are now allowed to provide more data!

Instead of deploying new beta versions, we have decided to set the final deadline of Monday, september 2nd 2002 for all involved partners!!
We will deploy the final version of all Sumex1+ modules as soon as we are ready but at the latest Monday, september 2nd 2002!!

We hope for your understanding.

Best regards