tarmedValidator: Prerelease of tarmedValidator using TARMED V1.2 database


Friday, 3 December 2004


Dear developers

The TARMED tariff 1.2 will become active on 1.1.2005.
Yesterday we received the new Sumex1+ version of the TARMED database 1.2 for testing. To allow for some testing prior to the public release, we provide a beta version of the new tarmedValidator module.

Be aware, that this is a beta release only and it is imperative to not propagate under no circumstances to a production system. The module and database will both change before the official deployment.

For the change history of the TARMED services download the TARMED browser at http://www.zmt.ch/de/tarmed/tarmed_tarifstruktur/tarmed_browser.htm (download the Sumex1 Browser) and browse the section with all the changes. Please note that the TARMED position 00.0090 changed its service type. Prior to version 1.2 the position was a main service ("H"). However, the position changed to a slave position ("Z") of the main position 00.0060 in the new release.

While internally the whole database structure changed, the interface remained untouched.
If you find any problems please report these as soon as possible.

The deployment is scheduled to publish the release of the new tarmedValidator at the 20th of December 2004 at latest! Of course, if the testing is finished sooner we will deploy the tarmedValidator before.

You can download the beta release at:

Best regards
Sumex1 team