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misc managers: VAT number adjustment
Friday, 1 April 2011
Due to the replacement of the old 6-digit vat number by the new UID bases one (cf Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer (UID))
the subsequent COM manager modules have been adjusted to allow for the processing of this new VAT number.The new builds of the modules are available as installers and/or netUpdate
- generalInvoiceRequestManager410 (TP and TG print templates have changed as well)
- hospitalInvoiceRequestManager400 (TP and TG print templates have changed as well)
- mdInvoiceRequestManager400 (TP and TG print templates have changed as well)
- The V430 versions have been adapted as well. However, due to the deletion of language=enEnglish in the interface
one must reload these projects and compile again - the build was left on version 4.30.001
- generalInvoiceRequestManager430
- generalInvoiceResponseManager430
- hospitalMCDRequestManager430