The ATL COM module drgValidator provides methods to
browse, search & validate records of the DRG tariff
browse, search & validate records of the DRG tariff
General use of the drgValidator ATL COM module

- First create an instance of the drgValidator COM module.
- Open the DRG database with the Open method from the IDRGValidator interface. Set the localization language (if it differs from the default setting of German) using the SetLanguage from the IDRGValidator interface.
Loop over the supplied tariff catalogs by using IDRGValidator/GetFirstTariff/IDRGValidator/GetNextTariff
- The following steps may then be performed, until the drgValidator module instance is released:
- Let the user search for a code, name or MDC, respecively (see the Search functions of the ISearch interface).
- Add the selected services with the AddService method from the IValidate interface.
- Release the drgValidator COM module instance.