The ATL COM module drgValidator provides methods to
browse, search & validate records of the DRG tariff
browse, search & validate records of the DRG tariff
setParameter feature of the IValidate::AddService method

There are 2 service providers in swissDRG -hospitals and maternity clinics- using the same service code space!
Furthermore, swissDRG distinguishes between normal and relocation cases.
For being able to separate these cases, pseudo services have been defined
consisting of a tariff type, a date and a pseudo code!
Such a pseudo code consists of:
setParameter(cmd=value)where the whole pseudo code is case and whitespace insensitive. A pseudo code is active until the next call of the Initialize method and is then reset to the default values.
The following pseudo codes are defined for swissDRG:
- setParameter(providerType=value), with value = { hospital | maternityClinic }, and hospital as default.
This command set the focus to swissDRG service records for hospitals or maternity clinics, respectively. - setParameter(relocation=value), with value = { on | off }, and off as default.
This command calculates the TP for the normal (off) or relocation (on) case.