API browser of tarmedValidator100 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IValidate interface V1.00/30 Aug 2002 
The IValidate interface checks whether supplied service data conform to the Tarmed rules. In case of a conflict with another service, the service will be rejected. Textual information explaining why the code was rejected can be retrieved, in order to provide appropriate feedback to the user. space
/images/arrow_right.png Methods 9 methods
AddService Adds a new service which will be validated against all the previously entered services of the same session
CalculateSum Calculate the sum of all services which have been added through the AddService method.
GetAbortInfo Get the information indicating why the service could not be added.
GetService Method for collecting all data of the currently focused service in one call without the necessity to call the appropriate properties of this interface
Initialize Initializes the validation, clears all the entered records.
MoveFirst Positions the record pointer at the first record in the result record set
MoveLast Positions the record pointer at the last record in the result record set
MoveNext Positions the record pointer at the next record in the result record set
MovePrevious Positions the record pointer at the previous record in the result record set
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 37 properties
[get] AbortHook The hook of the service which generated the abort situation.
[get] AnaesthesiaMin The time of an anaesthesia in minutes (including everything).
[get] BillingRoleType Billing role type.
[get] CantonType Canton type.
[get] Charge_MT The charge for the medical service in CHF.
[get] Charge_TT The charge for the technical service in CHF.
[get] Code Tarmed service code.
[get] Date Date of the service.
[put] DestructValidate Destructs/invalidates this IValidate interface instance
[get] EanNumberProvider EAN number of the provider.
[get] EanNumberResponsible EAN number of the responsible physician.
[get] EanNumberSection The EAN number of the section.
[get] ExternalFactor_MT The external scaling factor for the MT part of the service.
[get] ExternalFactor_TT The external scaling factor for the TT part of the service.
[get] Hook The hook of the service (external ID).
[get] ID The internal ID of the service.
[get] IgnoreValidate Flag indicating whether the validation was ignored.
[get] InternalFactor_MT Scaling factor for the medical part.
[get] InternalFactor_TT Scaling factor for the technical part.
[get] LawType Law type.
[get] MechanicCode Mechanic code
[get] MedicalRoleType Medical role type.
[get] Name255 Full service name.
[get] Name35 Short service name.
[get] NamePopular Popular name of the service.
[get] NumAssistants Number of assistants needed for performing the service.
[get] Quantity Quantity.
[get] ReferenceCode Tarmed code of parent service.
[get] SessionNumber Session number.
[get] SettlementType Settlement type.
[get] Side Side type.
[get] TP_Assistant Tax points for the assistant part of the service.
[get] TP_MT Tax points for the medical part of the service.
[get] TP_TT Tax points for the technical part.
[get] TreatmentType Treatment type.
[get] UnitFactor_MT Tax point value for the medical part of the service.
[get] UnitFactor_TT Tax point value for the technical part.