The ATL COM module tarmedValidator provides methods to
browse, search & validate records of the Tarmed tariff
browse, search & validate records of the Tarmed tariff
Patch: how to set the TPV for law=KVG|VVG
Since the tax point value (TPV) can not be set with the available interface methods and the TPV table can not be guarateed to be up-to-date, the following patch allows to establish a self declaration system of TPV by setting individual TPV from outside the tarmedValidator.
Since the tax point value (TPV) can not be set with the available interface methods and the TPV table can not be guarateed to be up-to-date, the following patch allows to establish a self declaration system of TPV by setting individual TPV from outside the tarmedValidator.
- Setting a TPV of the medical part: use ITarmedInput::ExternalFactor_MT(-1*tpv)
- Setting a TPV of the technical part: use ITarmedInput::ExternalFactor_TT(-1*tpv)