Establish/add the reachability for generalFormRequest450 XML files of a certain provider by the medSRS webservice is an open routing service for standards of the Forum Datenaustausch, basically allowing to find a communication partner in function of/for a certain Forum Datenaustausch standard.

By establishing this reachability, a provider becomes addressable for referrals, prescriptions, ordinances and the like on the basis of generalFormRequest450 XML files. Of course, this also means that genereralFormRequest450 XML files can be transported via the set intermediate, and thereafter processed in the provider's main software as well as formulating a response to the received request in the form of a generalFormResponse450 XML file.

The Routing Half Set (RHS) consists of a set of Global Location Numbers (GLN) plus the targeting Forum Datenaustausch standard forming an address path to an intermediate.

glnProvider(standardName, glnIntermediate, glnFrom)

In this notation, a provider is bounded to an intermediate with a certain standard having the given GLN at that intermediate. By using the add webservice of medSRS, the given RHS of the provider is included and thus becoming a possible communication partner.

The medSRS service is accessible, managed, and queried by a RESTful webservice defined and build upon the state of the art OpenAPI 3.0 standard. Please consult the website directly for an in-depth introduction to the principles and objectives of the medSRS service and the associated RESTful web service calls.

Patch of the IGeneralFormRequest::SetTransport method

Instead of inputting the argument bstrToEan literal, the string addRHS(glnProvider) is supplied virtually like a webservice call in the IGeneralFormRequest::SetTransport method. The such given data is actually translated into the RESTful medSRS call of the same name.
Note, that the returned error code is always S_FALSE to signal that the transport structure is not correctly defined - bstrToEan is set empty! However, this is insignificant since the data transmission is done via the "directSend" mechanism in the PDF form itself.