API browser of generalFormRequest450 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IGeneralFormResult interface V4.50/ 2 Sep 2016 
The IGeneralFormResult interface allows to read back all data that have been set by the IGeneralFormRequest interface, by loading a previously generated XML infoset with the IGeneralFormRequestManger::LoadXML method or by loading a previously populated PDF form with the IGeneralFormRequestManger::LoadPDF. space
/images/arrow_right.png Methods 37 methods
GetAbortInfo Get the abort information string with the error coded in the module language
GetAddresses Method for collecting all addresses covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetAllergies Method for collecting all allergies covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetCard Retrieves the patient's insurance card information (might be the patient card later on)
GetDiagnoses Method for collecting all diagnoses covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetDocuments Method for collecting all document files covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetFirstAddress Retrieves the first address data from the list of all addresses
GetFirstAllergy Retrieves the first allergy
GetFirstDiagnosis Retrieves the first diagnosis
GetFirstDocument Retrieves the first document from the list of documents
GetFirstMedication Retrieves the first medication structure
GetFirstNumericResult Retrieves the first numerical result structure
GetFirstTextResult Retrieves the first textual result structure
GetFirstUnemployability Retrieves the first unemployability structure
GetFirstVaccination Retrieves the first vaccination structure
GetFormObject Retrieves the form object reference parameters
GetLaw Retrieves the data about the applied law and its dependent information
GetMedications Method for collecting all medications covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetNextAddress Retrieves the next address data from the list of all addresses
GetNextAllergy Retrieves the next allergy
GetNextDiagnosis Retrieves the next diagnosis
GetNextDocument Retrieves the next document from the list of documents
GetNextMedication Retrieves the next medication structure
GetNextNumericResult Retrieves the next numerical result structure
GetNextTextResult Retrieves the next textual result structure
GetNextUnemployability Retrieves the next unemployability structure
GetNextVaccination Retrieves the next vaccination structure
GetNumericResults Method for collecting all numeric lab results covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetPackage Retrieves the identification parameters of the main software that used this DLL.
GetPatient Retrieves the primary parameters and structured address of the patient
GetRefObject Retrieves the dependent object reference parameters if any was defined
GetRequest Retrieves the role and place information, the processing parameters "storno" and "copy" besides data language and optional remark.
GetTextResults Method for collecting all textual lab results covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetTransport Returns the transport information that is the routing information going from a sender (from) over the first intermediate (via) to the receiver (to)
GetTreatment Retrieves the primary treatment structure data.
GetUnemployabilities Method for collecting all unemployabilites covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetVaccinations Method for collecting all vaccinations covered by the IGeneralFormResult interface and returned as JSON array
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 1 properties
[put] DestructGeneralFormResult Destructs/invalidates this IGeneralFormResult interface instance.