API browser of generalInvoiceRequest450 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetServices method space
This method has a Restful Webservice representation only!
Method for collecting all simple service records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array.
Please note that IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetServices takes over the functionality of the iterator pair IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetFirstService / IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetNextService with a single call, making the latter superfluous.
/images/arrow_right.png Restful webservice calling syntax
[POST] /baseURL/IGeneralInvoiceResult/GetServices
[JSON input data] pIGeneralInvoiceResult: longValue,    //interface address
[JSON result array] { pbstrTariffType:
[HTTP result status] 200 Return status 200 signals a successful method call
204 Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached
>= 400 Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do.
/images/arrow_right.png Calling argument description
[out] BSTR *pbstrTariffType The official tariff type as defined by Forum Datenaustausch
[out] BSTR *pbstrCode The service code.
[out] BSTR *pbstrReferenceCode The reference code.
The reference code might be empty since not all services request one.
[out] double *pdQuantity The floating point quantity.
Note that quantity changes the sign if a storno request is produced.
[out] long *plSessionNumber The session number.
If the used tariff does not support a session concept than 1 should be defined on input.
[out] DATE *pdDateBegin The date of the service's prescription
[out] DATE *pdDateEnd The date of the last prescription of the service if and only if the service was applied over a period of time.
dDateEnd=0.0 is returned for all cases where no end date of the prescription was defined.
[out] BSTR *pbstrProviderEAN EAN number of the service provider party.
Note if on input bstrProviderEAN is undefined and bstrResponsibleEAN is defined then bstrResponsibleEAN is copied into the bstrProviderEAN variable. If both variables are undefined the pseudo EAN "2099999999999" is set.
[out] BSTR *pbstrResponsibleEAN EAN number of the service responsible party.
Note if on input bstrResponsibleEAN is undefined and bstrProviderEAN is defined then bstrProviderEAN is copied into the bstrResponsibleEAN variable. If both variables are undefined the pseudo EAN "2099999999999" is set.
[out] BSTR *pbstrText The name of the service as defined by the used tariff
[out] double *pdUnit Tax points (TP) of the service.
[out] double *pdUnitFactor Tax point value (TPV) of the service.
[out] double *pdExternalFactor The external scaling factor used to scale the service e.g. to give a discount or surcharge.
In the case of a DRG service dExternalFactor is used to define any splitting situation!. If a 3-party splitting situation is described then dExternalFactor is the product of both splitting factors. The later 2 splitting factors are then retrieved by using the IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetXtraDRG method!
[out] double *pdAmount The amount in CHF of the service supplied in 2-digit precision.
Note that amount changes the sign if a storno request is produced due to the sign change of dQuantity.
[out] double *pdVatRate The VAT rate as real number that was applied to this service.
[out] YesNoType *peIsObligatory Obligatory enumerator indicating whether the given service record has a obligation status regarding the given law (UVG,KVG,...).
If the enumerator is set to enObligationAutomatic then the status is set internally using some ad hoc rules.
[out] BSTR *pbstrRemark An optional remark for the given service
[out] BSTR *pbstrSectionCode An optional BfS section code where the service was applied as defined by Swiss Federal Statistical Office - this code is only given for eRoleType=enRoleHospital!
[out] YesNoType *peIgnoreValidate Flag indicating whether the validation must be ignored that is whether the corresponding validator must be called or not.
This flag might be useful in the following situation: the user wants to add the service even if the validation failed, perhaps he has a special agreement with the insurance or patient.
[out] long *plServiceAttributes lServiceAttributes is a 32-bit integer where each bit position defines a special information.
Defined bit positions as of February 2021
Bit Meaning
Bit 1:
Code207: no drug substitution due to medical reasons. Applies to drug services only!
If this bit ("Code207") is set, the service provider declares that the drug prescribed must not be substituted due to medical reasons.
Bit 2:
franchisefree_12e_d: Franchise exemption according to Art. 12e lit. d KLV
If this bit ("franchisefree_12e_d") is set, the service provider declares that the service was prescribed as part of a preventive care program and the health care company must bill this service as franchise-free.
[out] long *plID This is the returned internal ID of the service record.
This internal ID is used as key to retrieve extra information for the service e.g. with the IGeneralInvoiceRequest::SetXtraDrug or IGeneralInvoiceRequest::SetXtraDRG methods, respectively.
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbStatus Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE the end of data is reached