The ATL COM module careCreditRequest is capable of
generating electronic & printed nursing care credit requests
generating electronic & printed nursing care credit requests
Code snippets for using the careCreditRequestManager
Private Sub CareCreditRequestExampleButton_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Trap
Dim bStatus As Boolean
'### init variables
Dim strFrom As String
strFrom = "2001001302112"
Dim strVia As String
strVia = "2001000012345"
Dim strTo As String
strTo = "2034567890000"
Dim dBirthdate As Date
dBirthdate = DateValue("1944-2-28")
Dim eSex As SexType
eSex = enMale
Dim eCanton As CantonType
eCanton = enBS
Dim eLaw As LawType
eLaw = enKVG
Dim eTreatType As TreatmentType
eTreatType = enAmbulatory
Dim dTreatmentStart As Date
dTreatmentStart = DateValue("2019-09-01")
Dim dTreatmentEnd As Date
dTreatmentEnd = DateValue("2019-08-29")
Dim strPatientInsID As String
strPatientInsID = "123.45.678-012"
Dim eTreatmentReason As TreatmentReasonType
eTreatmentReason = enDisease
Dim eTreatmentType As TreatmentType
eTreatmentType = enAmbulatory
Dim strEanProvider As String
strEanProvider = "2034567890111"
Dim strEanResponsible As String
strEanResponsible = "2034567890333"
'### create the main CareCreditRequestManager interface
Dim careCreditRequestManagerEx As CARECREDITREQUESTMANAGER450Lib.CareCreditRequestManager
Set careCreditRequestManagerEx = New CareCreditRequestManager
'### generate the dependent CareCreditRequest interface (allows to input data)
Dim careCreditRequestEx As CARECREDITREQUESTMANAGER450Lib.CareCreditRequest
Set careCreditRequestEx = careCreditRequestManagerEx.CareCreditRequest
'### start the input of data
'### generate some routing/transport as well as some identifying data (required for XML only)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetTransport(strFrom, "", "", strVia, strTo, "")
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetPackage("CareCreditRequestExample", 10001, 4, "sumex1")
'### start with nursing care relevant data, followed by the various address data
'### set data triple of the credit object (required)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetCreditObject("SpitexID20190612", dTreatmentStart, 0)
'### set the applicable law (required)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetLaw(enKVG, 0, "", strPatientInsID)
'### create an address interface that is need to add all the following addresses
'### do not forget to initialize the IAddress interface befor using it
Set addressEx = careCreditRequestEx.CreateAddress
'### define the biller of the nursing care credit (required)
'### note that phone, fax and online data are optional
bStatus = addressEx.SetCompany("Biller AG", "Abteilung Inkasso", "")
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Billerweg 128", "", "4414", "Frenkendorf", "", "")
bStatus = addressEx.AddPhone("956 99 00", "061", "", "")
bStatus = addressEx.SetFax("956 99 10", "061", "+41", "")
bStatus = addressEx.SetOnline("", "")
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetBiller("2011234567890", "H-1211-11", "", "", addressEx)
'### define the provider of the nursing care data (required)
'### note that only the required parts are defined here
bStatus = addressEx.SetCompany("Spitex", "Region Liestal", "")
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Spitexgasse 17b5", "", "4410", "Liestal", "", "")
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetProvider(strEanProvider,"P-1234-56","", _
"", addressEx)
'### define the health insurance (required)
bStatus = addressEx.SetCompany("Krankenkasse AG", "Sektion Basel", "")
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Kassengraben 222", "", "4000", "Basel", "", "")
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetInsurance("2034567890222", addressEx)
'### define the patient (required)
'### note that more data are needed here (sex, birthdate,ssn). data from the insurance
'### card can be supplied as well
bStatus = addressEx.SetPerson("Muster", "Peter", "Herr", "", "c/o Mieter Karl")
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Musterstrasse 5", "", "7304", "Maienfeld", "", "")
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetPatient(eSex, dBirthdate, "756.1234.5678.90", _
enDisabilityNone, enIncontinenceNone, addressEx)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetCard("12345678901234567890", DateValue("2019-12-31"), _
DateValue("2016-02-01"), "", "")
'### define a referrer if any (optional)
bStatus = addressEx.SetPerson("Ueberweiser", "Herbert", "Herr", "Dr. med.", "")
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Referrerstrasse 11", "", "5000", "Aarau", "", "")
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetReferrer("2034567890333", "R-2345-67", "", "", addressEx)
'### define some treatment data for an ambulatory case and supply a drug service
'### and a Tarmed consultation
'### set treatment information (required)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetTreatment(dTreatmentStart, dTreatmentEnd, eCanton, _
eTreatmentType, eTreatmentReason, enTiersPayant)
'### set the data for a home care case ("Spitex") (required)
Dim lDomesticAidDaysPerWeek as Long
lDomesticAidDaysPerWeek = 1
Dim lDomesticAidHoursPerDay as Long
lDomesticAidHoursPerDay = 3
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetHomeCare("RAI-HC 2018", enNo, _
lDomesticAidDaysPerWeek, lDomesticAidHoursPerDay, _
'### add planning records and one extra service record
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10907", _
"Konsultation Arzt - Spitex zur Bedarfsabklärung", _
1.0, "e", 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "", _
"532", "53201", _
"Massnahmen der Abklärung, Beratung und Koordination, pro 1 Min.", _
11.0, 1.33, 1.0, 1.0)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10115","Kompressionsstrümpfe/-verband", _
2.0, "t7", 182.0, 10.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "", _
"532", "53203", "Massnahmen der Grundpflege, pro 1 Min.", _
3640.0, 0.91, 1.0, 1.0)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10802","Blutdruckmessung", _
2.0, "w", 26.0, 5.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "", _
"532", "53202", _
"Massnahmen der Untersuchung und der Behandlung, pro 1 Min.", _
260.0, 1.09, 1.0, 1.0)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10601","Medikamente richten", _
1.0, "w", 26.0, 10.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "", _
"532", "53202", _
"Massnahmen der Untersuchung und der Behandlung, pro 1 Min.", _
260.0, 1.09, 1.0, 1.0)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddService("452", "", "Material für mittlere Inkontinenz", _
0.498630, 624.0, 1.0, "")
'### finalize the input
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.Finalize()
'### print the care credit request out as defined by the data
Dim lTimestamp As Integer
Dim careCreditResultEx As CARECREDITREQUESTMANAGER450Lib.CareCreditResult
bStatus = careCreditRequestManagerEx.Print("",0,enNo,"", _
Set careCreditResultEx = Nothing
'### finally produce the XML infoset
'### note that the interface careCreditResultEx is returned by the method
'### if the call was successful - it must not be created!
Dim lGenerationAttribute As Long
lGenerationAttribute = 0
Dim lValidationError As Long
Dim strXMLFile As String
Dim strUsedXSDSchema As String
bStatus = careCreditRequestManagerEx.GetXML(lGenerationAttribute, strXMLFile, lValidationError, _
lTimestamp, strUsedXSDSchema, careCreditResultEx)
'### copy the XML infoset away
Dim strTargetFile As String
strTargetFile = "C:\\CareCreditRequestExample.xml"
FileCopy strXMLFile, strTargetFile
'### relase all resources
Set addressEx = Nothing
Set careCreditResultEx = Nothing
Set careCreditRequestEx = Nothing
Set careCreditRequestManagerEx = Nothing
Exit Sub
'### error situation
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
"Opps! Error" & Str$(Err.Number)
'### release all resources
Set addressEx = Nothing
Set careCreditResultEx = Nothing
Set careCreditRequestEx = Nothing
Set careCreditRequestManagerEx = Nothing
End Sub
private void careCreditRequestExampleButton_Click()
ServiceExInput serviceInputEx;
CARECREDITREQUESTMANAGER450Lib.CareCreditRequest careCreditRequestEx;
CARECREDITREQUESTMANAGER450Lib.CareCreditRequestManager careCreditRequestManagerEx;
CARECREDITREQUESTMANAGER450Lib.CareCreditResult careCreditResultEx;
bool bStatus;
// ### init variables
string strFrom = "2001001302112";
string strVia = "2001000012345";
string strTo = "2034567890000";
DateTime dBirthdate = DateTime.ParseExact("1944-02-28", "yyyy-MM-dd",
SexType eSex = SexType.enMale;
CantonType eCanton = CantonType.enBS;
LawType eLaw = LawType.enKVG;
TreatmentType eTreatType = TreatmentType.enAmbulatory;
DateTime dTreatmentStart = DateTime.ParseExact("2019-03-01", "yyyy-MM-dd",
DateTime dTreatmentEnd = DateTime.ParseExact("2019-08-29", "yyyy-MM-dd",
string strPatientInsID = "123.45.678-012";
TreatmentReasonType eTreatmentReason = TreatmentReasonType.enDisease;
TreatmentType eTreatmentType = TreatmentType.enAmbulatory;
string strEanProvider = "2034567890111";
string strEanResponsible = "2034567890333";
// ### create the main CareCreditRequestManager interface
careCreditRequestManagerEx = new CareCreditRequestManager();
// ### generate the dependent CareCreditRequest interface (allows to input data)
careCreditRequestEx = careCreditRequestManagerEx.CareCreditRequest;
// ### start the input of data
// ### generate some routing/transport as well as some identifying data (required for XML only)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetTransport(strFrom, "", "", strVia, strTo, "");
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetPackage("CareCreditRequestExample", 10001, 4, "sumex1");
// ###############################################################################
// ### start with nursing care relevant data, followed by the various address data
// ###############################################################################
// ### set data triple of the credit object (required)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetCreditObject("SpitexID20190612", dTreatmentStart, 0);
// ### set the applicable law (required)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetLaw(LawType.enKVG, DateTime.MinValue, "", strPatientInsID);
// ### create an address interface that is need to add all the following addresses
// ### do not forget to initialize the IAddress interface befor using it
addressEx = careCreditRequestEx.CreateAddress;
// ### define the biller of the nursing care credit (required)
// ### note that phone, fax and online data are optional
bStatus = addressEx.SetCompany("Biller AG", "Abteilung Inkasso", "");
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Billerweg 128", "", "4414", "Frenkendorf", "", "");
bStatus = addressEx.AddPhone("956 99 00", "061", "", "");
bStatus = addressEx.SetFax("956 99 10", "061", "+41", "");
bStatus = addressEx.SetOnline("", "");
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetBiller("2011234567890", "H-1211-11", "", "", addressEx);
// ### define the provider of the nursing care data (required)
// ### note that only the required parts are defined here
bStatus = addressEx.SetCompany("Spitex", "Region Liestal", "");
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Spitexgasse 17b5", "", "4410", "Liestal", "", "");
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetProvider(strEanProvider, "", "", "", addressEx);
// ### define the health insurance (required)
bStatus = addressEx.SetCompany("Krankenkasse AG", "Sektion Basel", "");
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Kassengraben 222", "", "4000", "Basel", "", "");
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetInsurance("2034567890222", addressEx);
// ### define the patient (required)
// ### note that more data are needed here (sex, birthdate,ssn) as well as insurance card data
bStatus = addressEx.SetPerson("Muster", "Peter", "Herr", "", "c/o Mieter Karl");
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Musterstrasse 5", "", "7304", "Maienfeld", "", "");
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetPatient(eSex, dBirthdate, "756.1234.5678.90",
IncontinenceDegreeType.enIncontinenceNone, addressEx);
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetCard("12345678901234567890", DateTime.ParseExact("2019-12-31",
DateTime.ParseExact("2019-02-01", "yyyy-MM-dd",
"", "");
// ### define a referrer if any (optional)
bStatus = addressEx.SetPerson("Ueberweiser", "Herbert", "Herr", "Dr. med.", "Allgemeinmedizin FMH");
bStatus = addressEx.SetPostal("Referrerstrasse 11", "", "5000", "Aarau", "", "");
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetReferrer("2034567890333", "R-2345-67", "", "", addressEx);
// ###############################################################################
// ### define some treatment data for an ambulatory case and supply some nursing
// ### care data
// ###############################################################################
// ### set treatment information (required)
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetTreatment(dTreatmentStart, dTreatmentEnd,
eCanton, eTreatmentType, eTreatmentReason,
// ### set the data for a home care case ("Spitex") (required)
int lDomesticAidDaysPerWeek = 1;
int lDomesticAidHoursPerDay = 3;
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.SetHomeCare("RAI-HC 2018", YesNoType.enNo,
lDomesticAidDaysPerWeek, lDomesticAidHoursPerDay,
// ### add planning records and one extra service record
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10907",
"Konsultation Arzt - Spitex zur Bedarfsabklärung",
1.0, "e", 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "",
"532", "53201",
"Massnahmen der Abklärung, Beratung und Koordination, pro 1 Min.",
11.0, 1.33, 1.0, 1.0);
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10115","Kompressionsstrümpfe/-verband",
2.0, "t7", 182.0, 10.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "",
"532", "53203", "Massnahmen der Grundpflege, pro 1 Min.",
3640.0, 0.91, 1.0, 1.0);
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10802","Blutdruckmessung",
2.0, "w", 26.0, 5.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "",
"532", "53202",
"Massnahmen der Untersuchung und der Behandlung, pro 1 Min.",
260.0, 1.09, 1.0, 1.0);
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddPlanningRecord("RAI-HC","10601","Medikamente richten",
1.0, "w", 26.0, 10.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, "",
"532", "53202",
"Massnahmen der Untersuchung und der Behandlung, pro 1 Min.",
260.0, 1.09, 1.0, 1.0);
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.AddService("452", "", "Material für mittlere Inkontinenz",
0.498630, 624.0, 1.0, "");
// ### finalize the input
bStatus = careCreditRequestEx.Finalize();
// ### finally produce the XML infoset
// ### note that the interface careCreditResultEx is returned by the method
// ### if the call was successful - it must not be created!
int lGenerationAttribute = 0;
int lValidationError;
int lTimestamp = 0;
string strXMLFile;
string strUsedXSDSchema;
bStatus = careCreditRequestManagerEx.GetXML(lGenerationAttribute, out strXMLFile,
out lValidationError, out lTimestamp,
out strUsedXSDSchema, out careCreditResultEx);
// ### copy the XML infoset away
string strTargetFile = "CareCreditRequestExample.xml";
System.IO.File.Copy(strXMLFile, strTargetFile);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Opps! Error " + ex.ToString(), "OK");
// ### relase all resources
serviceInputEx = null;
addressEx = null;
careCreditResultEx = null;
careCreditRequestEx = null;
careCreditRequestManagerEx = null;